Locate high-grade sulphide related Nickel-PGE accumulations in mafic/UM intrusions
The Vernon Nickel-PGE Project cover the same area as the Vernon Base Metals Project. The Project is separated as it is targeting the strataform mafic/ultramafic sills within the Edmund Basin sediments.
Geoscience Australia (GA), in a continental-scale study of the potential for intrusion-hosted Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposits in Australia, gave the mafic intrusions of the Region a “moderate to high potential” to host economic deposits.
GA also specifically highlighted the potential of the sills which outcrops within the Vernon Project Area and has associated anomalous Ni, Cu, Cr and Pt, Pd geochemistry in GSWA regional soil data.
The significance of this is that these host rocks and setting is strongly analogous to the World-Class Nova-Bollinger discovery in the Fraser Range region of WA. Specifically, they both are hosted in “eye-structures” (lensed intrusive sills) and initial surface geochemical surveys have similar geochemical signatures.
Bellavista will focus on these target areas as a priority.
A mineral exploration company targeting value-accretive discoveries in an emerging mining district. Please use the contact details below for any queries.
- +61 8 6383 7556
- [email protected]
Level 2, 8 Richardson St
West Perth WA 6005